1. What do you think about this class?

  2. Do you believe watching YouTube videos can help you learn many different Mandarin usages that textbooks won’t teach you?

  3. What are the benefits of learning from Taiwanese YouTube videos?

  4. Do you think my vocabulary explanations are useful and easy to understand?

  5. What kind of students would you recommend to take this lesson (watch YouTube and study with my materials)?"

  6. I like the interactive style of the class very much, because I feel it is easier for me to remember and retain words since they are attached to a visual memory. I also enjoy the 1 on 1 format, I feel I get much more out of because it is much more challenging.

  7. I would certainly agree that the videos contain a lot of useful language, most of which you don’t find in textbooks. I also find that the way people talk in the videos is more authentic than in textbooks.

  8. I think it helps to better understand the local culture. In many videos I have encountered words that I couldn’t find in the dictionary, and I find it interesting to hear your explanation on what the origin of those words are.

  9. I think your vocabulary explanations are very clear, easy to understand and helpful.

  10. Although this method can theoretically be tailored to any level, I think it might be a little overwhelming for entry level students. But then again, at the very beginner level everything is pretty demanding. I think it depends more on the character of the student. If they are motivated and self-disciplined enough to do the work, then they can benefit greatly from this class regardless of their level.

                                                                                                                                                                                               Casper , From Switzerland


                                                                                                                                                                                                Janco, from South Africa